About Me:


Year Degree Institute
1992-1998 Medical studies Faculty of Medicine of Tunis
1998-2001 Medical studies Residency in plastic surgery at university hospitals of Tunis (Plastic surgery, General surgery, carcinological surgery and maxillofacial surgery)
2001-2003 Medical studies Plastic Surgery department (Pr. Magalon) Hôpital de la Conception: Marseille, France
2001 Doctorate in Medicine Theses: “Cutaneous Expansion in Plastic Surgery: actual state and evolution of ideas”
2002 Degrees University degree in “Microsurgical Research »
2002 Degrees University of Medicine, Marseille, France
2002 Degrees University degree in “Wounds and Healing”
2002 Degrees University of Medicine, Marseille, France
2010 Degrees University degree in “Breast Diseases”
2010 Degrees Faculty of Medicine of Tunis
2010 Degrees University degree in “Legal compensation for bodily injuries”
2010 Degrees Faculty of Medicine of Tunis

Experienced Here

Year Department Position Hospital
2006-2012 University Hospital Assistant in plastic and aesthetic surgery at the University Hospital of Bizerte
2012-2019 Associate Professor in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery / Supervising residents of plastic and aesthetic surgery

Chirurgie plastique et esthétique

Hôpital de Bizerte